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Sandra Beres

Photo of Sandra Beres

Hi! I am honored to be the Principal at Marwayne Jubilee School!  Marwayne is a great community and our students are fortunate to grow up in such a caring community.  MJS is my former school and now that I work here I want you to know  my number one priority for our school is to build students up regardless of age.   Our mantra is "Engaging Minds, Creating Opportunities".  I hope that all of our MJS students feel safe, engaged, and challenged so there are endless possibilities for them!

A bit about me:   My first teaching experience was at Onion Lake at the primary school as an inclusive learning lead.  I then moved north to Rainbow Lake.  In Rainbow Lake, I taught primarily grade 5 and 3 with a short stint in Jr. Sr. high.  I enjoyed my eight years in Rainbow but then returned to Marwayne in 2012.  Since 2012, I have been working for BTPS as Principal in Clandonald for 3 years and then as a curriculum coordinator for central services from 2016-2018.  I have been Principal in Marwayne since August of 2018.  

I have quite a few family members who still live in Marwayne and I consider it my hometown.  I like to quilt, read, go to Hawaii, and spending time at the lake.  I am also an avid Edmonton Oilers fan!  Most important to me is spending time with my family and my son.